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Next Big Teen goal is to provide teenagers with a constructive outlet in which to showcase their talent in a positive environment in order for them to learn important lessons in work, personal, and educational ethics while striving to succeed. This is the perfect opportunity to use a talent in order to better ones self in many aspects of becoming an adult. Establishing values and self esteem while receiving positive, useful, and unbiased feedback will ensure that those who participated will leave enlightened in multiple aspects. We honestly believe our children are our near future but our teenagers are our tomorrow. We are looking for the next big thing in show biz. Upon entering this event you will have the chance to meet the “Big Wigs” of the industry. If you want your god given talent to truly shine, this is the place to make that happen! Teenage stars are rising to fame every day. They are no different from any other teen with talent except the fact they had an avenue in which to be seen. The “Next Big Teen” is your avenue. The only question is, do you have what it takes to be the “Next Big Teen”?